How to Become a Great Small Business Coach: 5 Essential Steps

Becoming a great small business coach is a journey that requires dedication, continuous learning, and a genuine passion for supporting others. Whether you’re already on this path or considering it, these five steps will guide you towards becoming a coach who can make a real difference in the lives of small business owners. Let’s dive

Systems Thinking: The Key to Effective Small Business Coaching

If you’re an ICF-trained coach contemplating a transition into small business coaching, it’s important to embrace the concept of systems thinking. This isn’t just another technique; it’s a transformative mindset that can profoundly enrich your coaching practice. Let’s delve into how intertwining systems thinking with fundamental ICF core competencies can dramatically change the way you

Demystifying Systems Business Coaching: What It Means to Be a Systems Business Coach

Systems Business Coach Inc.® (SBC) is grounded in a both a human-centric and business-focused approach, emphasizing empowerment, learning, and transformation. We know what it takes to be successful in business, and how business leaders learn best.  This is a powerful combination that you learn here.  Our philosophy is rooted in the integration of adult learning

Appreciative Inquiry and Product Clarification: Coaching Small Business Owners

The world of small business is as rewarding as it is challenging. When coaching small business owners, one of the essential elements to explore is product clarification. A common challenge for small business owners is failing to articulate clearly what they are selling, leading to confusion among prospective consumers. The result of this ambiguity is

Coaching Small Business Owners: The Nuances of the Updated ICF Competency Model

Small businesses are the backbone of the global economy, generating a staggering 70% of all jobs worldwide. Yet, the market for coaching small business owners, the vital enterprises, remains notably underserved. For coaches, understanding the intricacies of the updated International Coach Federation (ICF) Competency Model can be a game-changer in serving this sector effectively. These

How Do You Coach Entrepreneurs and Start-Ups?

As a coach, what’s your approach working with startups and entrepreneurs? Interestingly, many coaches shy away from this niche, often because they struggle to answer this very question. In fact, a mere 3% of coaches affiliated with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) categorize themselves as small business coaches. Most coaches prefer to work with CEOs

8 Business Coaching Tools That Will Make a HUGE Difference

When I first started helping small business owners officially, 15 years ago, I didn’t really want to call myself a coach. I didn’t know what to call me. Was I a: I settled on “Business consultant” and off I went to my first meetings with my well planned out agenda and timelines for getting things

5 Reasons to Coach Small Business Owners in 2021

What would happen if every small business in the world shut down? Morris, my chiropractor. Raf, my husband’s barber. And maybe you. You are all small business owners affected by Covid19. It took a pandemic for us to feel and notice just how important our local small businesses and their owners are to our lives.  According

What does it mean to be a Certified Systems Business Coach®?

Being a Certified Systems Business Coach® means that you care. You care about the people in our communities who put everything on the line to create the  businesses that serve us and our families.  These small businesses are the backbone of our economy.  They represent 90% of all businesses and are responsible for 70% of

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How to Coach Cheat Sheet

Use this to review or discover coaching techniques for small business owners.